
    Science Led

    Innovating Health Through Science

    At Endobits, we leverage cutting-edge research and scientific rigor to drive innovation and improve patient outcomes. Our mission is to enhance health through evidence-based, data-driven approaches, ensuring our technologies are both effective and reliable.

    Clinical Trials and Studies

    Advanced Clinical Insights


    The OhioT1Dataset provides rich longitudinal data on blood glucose levels, insulin doses, and other pertinent factors, enhancing the credibility of clinical trials and case studies in diabetes research.

    Insulin Dysregulation Detection
    Forecasting Nocturnal Hypoglecaemia
    Blood Glucose Forecasting

    Insulin Dysregulation Detection

    Insulin Dysregulation Detection involves rigorous exploration of methods to precisely identify and address instances of insulin dysregulation in patients.

    Through meticulous research and analysis, our approach has attained an impressive accuracy rate of 91.5%, signifying a high level of reliability in identifying and managing insulin-related issues.

    This commitment to accuracy ensures that patients receive timely interventions, contributing to better health outcomes and enhanced quality of life.


    Forecasting Nocturnal Hypoglecaemia

    Forecasting Nocturnal Hypoglycaemia involves the development of robust models to preempt nighttime hypoglycemia, thereby ensuring safer and more restful sleep for patients.

    With an accuracy rate of 97.8%, sensitivity of 99.2%, and specificity of 97.4%, our models excel in predicting and mitigating the risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia with exceptional precision.

    These impressive performance metrics underscore our dedication to enhancing patient well-being through innovative solutions for diabetes management.


    Blood Glucose Forecasting

    Blood Glucose Forecasting entails the development of sophisticated tools to aid patients in effectively managing their blood glucose levels.

    With an accuracy rate of 93.6%, sensitivity of 83.6%, and specificity of 96.1%, our advanced forecasting models empower individuals with precise insights into their glucose dynamics.

    By providing reliable predictions, we enable proactive adjustments to treatment regimens, fostering better glycemic control and overall health outcomes for patients managing diabetes.



    Measures the agreement between observed and reported values, reflecting overall correctness in assessments.


    Indicates the proportion of true negative results among all actual negative cases, assessing the model's ability to correctly identify non-events.


    Measures the proportion of true positive results among all actual positive cases, gauging the model's effectiveness in identifying events of interest.

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    Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office